Abhinav R. Soomaney Has Written a New Crypto Taxation Book. Author and crypto expert Abhinav R.

29 Jan 2023, 08:00
Abhinav R. Soomaney Has Written a New Crypto Taxation Book Author and crypto expert Abhinav R. Soomaney has a new book out called “Cryptocurrency in a Nutshell.” In the composition, Soomaney discusses a big topic in the crypto space: taxation. A New Crypto Tax Book By Abhinav R. SoomaneyTaxation in crypto has often been talked about amongst even the most knowledgeable analysts given tax protocols within the arena’s borders can be quite complicated. In fact, during the 2020 election, there were two democrat candidates Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor, and entrepreneur Andrew Yang that claimed they would make the crypto taxation laws in America easier to understand. This was one of the big staples of their campaigns. That’s how difficult crypto taxation laws can be. Neither of these candidates were able to get very far given at the time, crypto was still not a major topic amongst the public or politicians like it is today. However, if Soomaney can publish an entire book on the subject, you know things are getting real, and crypto taxation is becoming something that many more people are now curious about.